The Savvy Director™

Subscribe to The Savvy Director blog for a weekly dive into the board governance landscape with DirectorPrep co-founder Scott Baldwin.

It's a place to engage on board governance topics as you travel the path to being a savvy director. 

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What Our Readers Are Saying

"Love reading your Sunday morning blogs, they inspire me to be a Savvy Director. Happy Sunday!"

Deborah Rosati
Founder & CEO, Women Get on Board Inc.

"I always look forward to the weekly email. It helps to keep me thinking about important issues and reflect on competencies that will make me a more effective director."

Tom Bryk
Board Chair, Manitoba Blue Cross

"The best reading I do all week! Thank you, Scott."

Mackie Vadacchino
Board Director, Canadian Health Food Association

"I look forward to Scott's weekly blog. Many of them, along with DirectorPrep resources, are conveniently placed in my home office for easy reference."

Brian Brown
Board Director, Marymound Inc.

"I look forward to reading The Savvy Director newsletter every week and have shared some of the information provided with others."

Brenda LaRose
Board Director, Canadian Chamber of Commerce

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