Take control of your boardroom success.
Embark on a personal governance journey to reach your full potential as a board director and be ready to land your next board seat.
Cultivate the confidence you need to make meaningful contributions that influence key board decisions.

With our e-book, Your Governance Journey, you'll have a step-by-step roadmap that enables you to chart your course to success in the boardroom.
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Chart Your Course to Success in the Boardroom
Before your governance journey begins, there's work to be done getting ready to join a board. Not to mention the pesky step of landing your first board seat. Once on a board, there's so much to learn it can feel like you're playing catch-up. You need to get up to speed in a hurry, starting with getting a handle on board governance fundamentals.
Your course to success in the boardroom continues to move forward as you engage in board work and discover how to make an impact on your board. If you're committed and you work hard, you can develop the skill and confidence to influence your board's key decisions.
And if you're interested in a leadership position, your journey might culminate in a board or committee chair role.

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"I am a firm believer that practical governance skills are an important part of being a Director – the ‘how’ is just as important as the ‘what’ – and DirectorPrep is helping to fill that gap."
Bonnie Oakes Charron
Past Board Director, Governance Professionals of Canada

"DirectorPrep has been an invaluable resource which has helped me to be a more effective board member and a more effective board chair. I highly recommend it."
Mala Sachdeva
Chair UWCRC 2.0 (University of Winnipeg community renewal organization 2.0)

"A virtual treasure trove of practical tools and techniques to advance your effectiveness in the boardroom. Unlock the benefits of this rich resource as you prepare for your next meeting."
Marilyn Brennan
Board Director, St. Boniface Hospital
DirectorPrep provides practical guidance for the individual board director.
Become a successful, effective board director with DirectorPrep by your side. Our down-to-earth offerings are a cost-effective way to equip you for success in the boardroom.
We provide practical guides, online courses, and resources for every step of your governance journey - from first joining a board to taking a leadership role.
Whether you’re looking to build a strong foundation in board governance, learn where you should spend your time, or explore how to influence board decisions, we’ve got you covered.
And stay up-to-date with our Savvy Director blog that brings you thought-provoking content on the latest governance issues and directors' challenges.
Find out more about DirectorPrep and what we do.
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