Who We Are

DirectorPrep's three co-founders decided to come together to help individual directors prepare for their own role at the board table.

We each brought different skills and backgrounds to DirectorPrep.com with the goal of creating an indispensable hub for board director preparation and connection.

You can learn more about the team behind DirectorPrep.com here.

Scott Baldwin

Scott is the co-founder of DirectorPrep.com.Ā  He is a knowledge entrepreneur, certified corporate director (ICD.D) and director of a board governance advisory services firm since 2001. He provides governance advice to business leaders serving on private company boards and those in the health care, arts and culture, professional services, and media industries. Scott is recognized by his peers as a director who asks good questions and supports fellow directors in their effort to create enterprise value and to support the CEO in those efforts.

Alice Sayant

Aliceā€™s corporate experience as a senior executive has provided her with a solid background for her board work with organizations in the not-for-profit and for-profit sectors. She is the founding partner of a boutique consultancy based in Winnipeg, Canada and is a certified corporate director (ICD.D). As co-founder of DirectorPrep.com, Alice leads our content development and curates all material.

Dave Jaworski

Dave is co-founder and chief architect for DirectorPrep.com. Dave has many years CEO and for-profit and not-for-profit board experience and has led numerous technology companies in the United States and Canada where he began his career with an upstart Microsoft Corporation. Dave recently returned to Microsoft as Architect and Digital Advisor to Microsoftā€™s largest accounts in the world, helping them get value from AI and Microsoft's platforms.


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