Resource Hub

Our Resource Hub features books, websites, podcasts and other resources dedicated to the art of board governance.

DirectorPrep has curated these links and collected them in one spot to support your governance journey.

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin


Global Network of Director Institutes - Get connected in your geography



Recommended reading on your journey to being a Savvy Director

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Digital resources that engaged directors will find useful and interesting.

View Websites


A selection of great podcasts for both experienced and early career directors.

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Stay informed with a regular blog, or maybe a newsletter or webcast. 

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Social Media

Follow governance influencers on LinkedIn or X.

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The Savvy Director Blog: Another Great Resource

Read The Savvy Director bi-weekly blog from DirectorPrep co-founder Scott Baldwin for timely, thought-provoking content about governance issues and directors' challenges. Just click any blog image below and look for the 'Stay Connected' box to subscribe.

Six Habits Revisited

Give Better Advice

"Love reading your Sunday morning blogs, they inspire me to be a Savvy Director. Happy Sunday!"

Deborah Rosati
Founder & CEO, Women Get on Board Inc.

"The best reading I do all week! Thank you, Scott."

Mackie Vadacchino
Chairperson, Bioforce Canada

"I always look forward to the email. It helps to keep me thinking about important issues and reflect on competencies that will make me a more effective director."

Tom Bryk
Board Chair, Manitoba Blue Cross

"I look forward to reading the Savvy Director newsletter and have shared some of the information provided with others."

Brenda LaRose
Board Director, Canadian Chamber of Commerce

"I look forward to Scott's blog. Many of them along with DirectorPrep resources are conveniently placed in my home office for easy reference."

Brian Brown
Board Director, Marymound Inc.

"Director Prep resources are a huge benefit to Board Directors - easy to find, digest and apply!"

Laura Goossen
Board Director, Réseau Compassion Network

Just Released


ChatDPQ is a customized, AI-powered board resource tool, designed exclusively for DirectorPrep members.

Think of ChatDPQ as your virtual boardroom buddy and a responsible AI Copilot.

ChatDPQ is for board directors who want easy, time-saving access to high-quality insights on anything to do with boards and board work.

Purpose-built for directors like you, ChatDPQ makes it possible to enjoy the kind of two-way conversation you'd like to have with a fellow director before your next board meeting. 

With these resources at your fingertips, your meeting prep will be more productive than ever.

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