
Here you'll find our suggestions for websites from organizations and individuals in the field of board governance.  

If you come across a website that can add value to our DirectorPrep community, please be sure to let us know.


You'll find these websites valuable, whether you're an experienced or early career director.


Board Governance

This section includes websites that provide information and resources about all aspects of
corporate governance.


Board Excellence

Board Excellence is a board consultancy and advisory practice that enables boards and individual directors to excel in effectiveness, performance and corporate governance best practices. is an advisory firm focusing on relationships, decision-making, competencies and other attributes that contribute to board director effectiveness.


Boardspan provides services including director recruitment, board assessments, director compensation, and market intelligence. It publishes a newsletter called Director's Domain.

Chartered Governance Institute

CGI is the global standard for governance professionals. The Institute helps develop skills, knowledge, and experience through its globally focused International Qualifying Program. 

CPA Canada

CPA Canada is the national organization for a unified Canadian accounting profession. Their website contains a wealth of education, information and resources related to governance and risk.

Competent Boards

CPA Canada is the national organization for a unified Canadian accounting profession. Their website contains a wealth of education, information and resources related to governance and risk.'s goal is to transform corporate governance from an arcane subject to a practical discipline where knowledge, news and commentary is shared by investors and corporations.

Corporate Board Member Institute

Corporate Board Member is a resource for public company board education, providing access to governance experts, networking opportunities, and tools and resources to enhance director performance.

Deloitte Global Center for Corporate Governance

The Global Center collaborates with Deloitte member firms to promote dialogue about corporate governance and its impact on corporations and their boards, investors, and others. 

Directors & Boards

Directors & Boards offers a journal, articles, and webinars on leadership and corporate governance for board chairs, CEOs, senior management, board members, and advisors.

Directors' Forum

Directors' Forum provides credit union, caisse populaire, mutual, and co-operative board directors across Canada with opportunities to develop and strengthen their governance skills and practices.

DCRO Risk Governance Institute

The DCRO Institute specializes in risk governance education and credentialing, with the goal of elevating the positive governance of risk-taking worldwide.

EY Center for Board Matters

The EY Center for Board Matters identifies trends and emerging governance issues, and delivers insights, content and practical tools and analysis to those interested in governance topics.

The Goverance Coach

The Governance Coach specializes in Policy Governance® consultation and coaching, helping boards to implement and apply the Carver model effectively.

Govern for Impact

Govern for Impact is a non-profit community of practitioners, researchers and consultants promoting and developing advanced governance systems based on the Carver model.

Governance Professionals of Canada

GPC provides information on governance developments, including board processes, management and structure, stakeholder engagement, compliance, and oversight.

Governance Solutions

Governance Solutions helps guide you to success in the boardroom with practical advice, innovative governance tools, accessible education, and certification.

Harvard Law School Program on Corporate Governance

The Harvard Program fosters research and scholarship about corporate governance and facilitates discourse among academics, practitioners, and policy-makers.

Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD)

ICD is an association with chapters across Canada, serving directors in the for-profit, non-profit and Crown sectors. It offers professional development, learning, networking, and resources.

Johnston Centre for Corporate Governance Innovation

The Johnston Centre is the Rotman School’s home for research and resources about governance, focusing on under-served sectors such as family business, co-operatives, and crown corporations.

Julie Garland McLellan

Julie Garland McLellan helps directors add value without increasing cost, using her experience and knowledge to show boards with limited resources how to be effective through practical governance know-how.

KPMG Board Leadership Centre

The BLC deliveris practical thought leadership on risk, strategy, talent, technology, globalization, regulatory issues, financial reporting, and more. 

Leading Governance

Leading Governance helps organizations improve their performance by developing the leadership and governance capabilities of their boards and key staff.

NASDAQ Governance Solutions

Nasdaq Governance Solutions  serves clients through qualitative and quantitative board and leadership assessment and governance and compliance products and services.

National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD)

NACD offers its members resources, research services, board evaluation, board recruitment, and a director registry.

Private Company Director

Private Company Director is for directors, owners, and advisors of family-owned, closely-held, and private-equity owned businesses of all sizes, providing digital platforms, magazines, and events.

Robert's Rules of Order

This is the official Robert's Rules of Order website. Here you will find information about how you can use Robert’s Rules of Order to help your meetings run smoothly.

Society for Corporate Governance

The Society for Corporate Governance is comprised of corporate secretaries and executives. It provides governance-related news, research, advice, professional development and education through seminars and conferences.

Stanford Corporate Governance Research Initiative

Stanford Graduate School of Business Corporate Governance Research Initiative provides insights on issues such as executive compensation, board governance, CEO succession, and proxy voting.

Watson Board Advisors

Watson advises boards on the art of Director and CEO recruitment, the dynamics of leadership, and the practice of governance.


Non-Profit Sector

This section lists websites that are focused on the non-profit sector.


Better Boards

Better Boards helps directors of not-for-profits in Australia and New Zealand to improve their skills and knowledge. They offer professional development, conferences, webinars and a newsletter.


BoardSource is the go-to resource for nonprofit boards and a leader in the field of nonprofit governance. It offers tools, seminars, resources, guidance, coaching, and consulting services.

Conscious Governance

Conscious Governance is a global, independent advisory service for not-for-profit boards, CEOs and directors, providing strategic planning, board governance, leadership and risk management consulting services.


Governinggood provides information and resources useful to not-for-profit boards in Canada, including board dynamics, advocacy, organizational culture, board composition, and ethics.

Hartley Nonprofit Consulting

Hartley Nonprofit Consulting provides training and consulting to nonprofit organizations in Canada in the areas of board governance, strategic planning, and risk management.

Imagine Canada

Imagine Canada serves Canadian charities and not-for-profits with programs, resources and advocacy. Their standards program awards accreditation based on excellence in five key areas, one of which is board governance.

National Council of Nonprofits

The National Council of Nonprofits is a resource and advocate for charitable nonprofits in the USA. They identify trends, share practices, and promote solutions that benefit charitable nonprofits and the communities they serve.

Nonprofit Risk Management Center

The Nonprofit Risk Management Center supports effective risk management in the nonprofit sector, One of the center’s areas of expertise is governance. A large database of sample policies is available on the site.


Board Portals and Board Management Software

This section lists websites for board portal providers. Many of these companies offer a selection of
free resources.


Board Effect

Board Effect is a provider of board portal software. Their website offers a variety of resources including white papers, webinars and an informative blog.

Board Intelligence

Board Intelligence is a provider of board portal software. Their website offers a blog as well as news, interviews and white papers.


BoardSite provides board portal software for associations, non-profits, small business, and startups. The website offers a blog and other resources.


Boardable is a portal designed for non-profit boards. The website provides access to a number of useful resources.


Diligent is a provider of board portal software. Their website offers resources on topics relevant to board portals.


Govenda is a provider of board management software that includes resources such as guides, webinars, and a blog.


Aspiring Directors and Boardroom Equity

Websites in this section focus on supporting aspiring directors and improving boardroom equity.


African American Board Leadership Institute

AABLI recruits, prepares and assists with the placement of African Americans on governing boards. It provides leadership development, resources and placements.

Athena Alliance

Athena Alliance supports women in advancing to the C-suite or the boardroom, and helps boards and corporations develop and retain their top talent through executive development.


Catalyst provides resources, programs and information, and champions inclusion for women and progress toward boardroom diversity worldwide.

Future Directors Institute

Future Directors runs director coaching and mentoring programs, events and workshops for next-generation leaders and directors around the world. 

Get on Board Australia

Get On Board Australia provides affordable formal education, tips, and advice to help new and aspiring company directors gain the skills to contribute meaningfully in the boardroom. It provides courses, coaching, blogs and a podcast.

Girls on Boards

The Girls on Boards program places experienced young leaders on not-for-profit governance boards or committees in their communities, providing them with training and support to be board members.

Latino Corporate Directors Association

LCDA is a community of US Latinos in corporate leadership positions with a mission to develop, support, and increase the number of US Latinos on corporate boards. 

Next Gen Board Leaders

Next Gen Board Leaders is a community for young current and aspiring directors facilitated by Diligent Institute. It provides peer-to-peer exchanges, mentoring, and discussion around boardroom challenges and opportunities.

50/50 Women on Boards

Launched in 2021, 50/50 Women on Boards is a global education and advocacy campaign driving the movement toward gender balance and diversity on corporate boards.

Women on Boards

Women on Board works to address gender inequity in the boardroom and across leadership roles in the UK and Australia. 

Women Get on Board

Women Get On Board is a member based Canadian company that connects, promotes and empowers women to corporate boards through a community of women and men committed to advancing gender diversity in the boardroom.

Women in the Boardroom

Women in the Boardroom helps women get on boards with a step-by-step approach that includes a matching program, events, webinars and networking opportunities.


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