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The Savvy Director Blog

Welcome to The Savvy Directorℱ blog, a place to engage on board governance topics as you travel the path to being a savvy director. 

If you're interested in upping your game at the board table, no matter the size of your board or the type of organization you serve, subscribe below to receive a weekly link right in your email inbox.

Six Habits Revisited

Whenever we write a Savvy Director blog — or create any other DirectorPrep content for that matter — we make a critical assumption about our readers.

We assume that you want to be the best director you can be, that you want to be seen as a valuable member of your board, and you want to be able to influence board decisions.

In other words, you want to be savvy, as in Savvy Director.

In our view, being a savvy director is all about what you know, and how you think, communicate, and behave in...

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Authenticity for Board Directors

Authenticity is a popular word among business leaders these days. Managers are advised to bring their full selves to the office, to engage in frank conversations, and to tell personal stories as a way of building trust and improving group performance. It’s a powerful way to lead with purpose and integrity.

That got me thinking about how authentic leadership might apply in the boardroom. Can board directors adopt an authentic leadership style in the boardroom? And even if they can, should they...

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Ace Your First Meeting

As I write this week from the northern hemisphere, the fall season is on its way. That means the start of a new governance year for many of us — including new board members who’ve just been recruited and appointed to a board of directors.

Whether you’re a wily veteran or a newcomer to board work, your first board meeting with a new board is a crucial opportunity to establish your credibility and build relationships with fellow directors.

“What will the first board meeting be like? Should I...

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So You Want To Be The Board Chair

Our last couple of blog posts have dealt with board succession planning (A Better Way to Fill Board Seats) and director recruitment (The Right Director for Your Board.)
But a good board succession plan isn’t just about filling board vacancies. It’s also about finding board leaders, like the next board chair.
So, in today’s Savvy Director post, we’re going to zero in on the position of board chair. We’re going to try to answer the questions What’s the role?, What skills does it require?...
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How Many Boards Is Too Many?


Once you’ve established yourself as a director on one board, you may very well find that you’re being approached to serve on one or more additional boards.

Is saying “yes” a good idea? What should you think about before deciding? And what is the ideal number of boards to serve on?

As so often with the topics we explore in The Savvy Director, the answer is, “It depends.” In this case, it depends on some very personal considerations, such as the stage of your career, your family situation, an...

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The Value You Bring

The value you bring to the boardroom is what matters.

You’re in the boardroom for a reason. It's not enough to simply show up. Putting your skills and attributes to work will enable you to make a positive impact on your board.

Knowing how and where you can add value helps you be the most effective director you can be. It gives you the confidence to engage actively with your peers around the board table (or on the computer screen).

“The board is a special group of people. People who are pr...

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Finance & Audit Wants YOU!

Non-financial board directors are missing a huge opportunity by not serving on finance and audit committees. I know that sounds odd if you’re particularly averse to the numbers or believe that you don’t have an aptitude for them.
But take it from me - a non-financial director - participating on a finance and audit committee is a far more enjoyable experience than writing an accounting or corporate finance exam. There’s no last minute cramming or pulling an all-nighter. Instead, there’s a c...
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Choose Growth – Again!

Here at DirectorPrep, we create practical tools for board directors who choose a growth mindset. That means we want to collaborate with directors, like you, who choose to believe they can develop their abilities, brains, and talent every time they read their board papers, take a course, read an article, or engage in a discussion with fellow board members about a current dilemma or opportunity.

As directors, when we choose to see if there’s something we can learn today, it’s an intentional dec...

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Your Voice Matters in the Boardroom

Sometimes I hear from board directors who are struggling to find their voice in the boardroom. They don’t feel comfortable speaking up, or they can’t seem to make themselves heard.

It can be a particular challenge for newcomers to the board, or for those who feel outnumbered by virtue of their gender, age, race, etc.

If you don’t feel comfortable speaking up in the boardroom, you’ll end up feeling less engaged – maybe frustrated and resentful. Not only is that hard on you, but that kind of s...

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Seeing Ourselves Clearly

Most of us like to think we’re self-aware – that we see ourselves clearly. Apparently, most of us are wrong. Research shows that only 10 to 15 percent of us fit the criteria for self-awareness.

Why does it matter? For board directors, self-awareness is an important attribute because when we see ourselves clearly, we can be more effective in the role.

For the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD), self-awareness ranks along with effective judgment and integrity as one of the ‘personal style...

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Welcome to the Savvy Director Blog

Stay connected with our weekly posts about what it takes to be a savvy board director