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The Savvy Director Blog

Welcome to The Savvy Director™ blog, a place to engage on board governance topics as you travel the path to being a savvy director. 

If you're interested in upping your game at the board table, no matter the size of your board or the type of organization you serve, subscribe below to receive a weekly link right in your email inbox.

Navigating Disruption Risk

prepare for meetings Feb 16, 2025

Disruption risk is the potential for unexpected events that can interrupt or significantly alter an organization’s operations, market position, or strategic direction.

Disruptions can be caused by factors such as technological advancements, market shifts, regulatory changes, natural disasters, or other unforeseen events. The potential impact ranges from minor operational hiccups to significant threats to sheer survival.

Such is the case with tariffs.

In today's complex global economy, board...

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Navigating Our VUCA World

prepare for meetings Jan 26, 2025
This article is the second of two dealing with our VUCA world and how the board of directors can help their organizations to navigate its challenges. Click here for our first article - Living in a VUCA World.
Like it or not, we find ourselves living in a VUCA world - one characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Our environment is changing rapidly and in unexpected ways. It can be hard to discern the best path forward in the face of this shifting reality.
In ...
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Elevating the Boardroom Discussion

prepare for meetings Jan 12, 2025

We often hear from readers looking for ways to elevate their boardroom discussions to a more strategic level. That makes sense. Strategic discussions are more interesting, forward thinking, and robust than those that drill down into the minutiae of operations.

When the agenda and reading material don’t reflect the organization’s high level strategy - instead being filled with pages of execution detail and ‘busy work’ metrics - is it any wonder directors slow the meeting down with operational ...

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It's budget time for the board

prepare for meetings Nov 30, 2024

Ensuring that the annual operating budget is aligned with the strategic plan was one of my greatest takeaways when I was enduring ‘audit committee weekend’ as part of a corporate director certification program many years ago.

I learned that many of the best questions for management come from non-financial people like me around the board table. Why would that be?

While I believe the audit partners teaching that program module wanted to get the non-financial people excited about being on finan...

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Evaluating the CEO

prepare for meetings Aug 18, 2024

I’m often asked about CEO evaluations. I’ve helped boards with everything from developing a process, to designing the method, to gathering and analyzing information, and even communicating the results.

I’m a strong proponent of conducting an annual CEO evaluation. For one thing, it’s the board’s job to do so. The board-CEO relationship is an important one and an effective evaluation process can help strengthen it.

It’s hard for any CEO to get honest feedback. Even in organizations where sta...

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Holistic Board PREP

prepare for meetings Jun 15, 2024

We say it all the time – ‘Preparation is the key to success in the boardroom.’ That’s why we call our company DirectorPrep. That’s why our tagline is ‘Ready for your board meeting?’

And that’s why we developed the PREP Framework that provides individual directors with a consistent, repeatable process to prepare for board meetings. We want to support directors to be ready for their board meeting every time. (Visit the PREP for Success page on our website to download the PREP Framework.)


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Risk Instigator

prepare for meetings May 19, 2024

Here’s a recent email from a DirectorPrep member: “I am serving on a board that does not have much understanding of risk management. What suggestions would you have to get the discussion going?”

That’s a great question from a risk instigator – a board director who’s looking to find a way to push their risk management rock up a hill when their fellow directors don’t see much value in having the discussion.

That’s okay. It won’t be the last time directors view risk management as nothing more ...

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Boost Your Meeting PREP with AI

prepare for meetings May 05, 2024

For the modern board director, using AI to help prepare for board meetings allows you to do two things at once.

First, you’ll increase your comfort level with generative AI. Experts advise board directors to increase their awareness and knowledge of AI. One way to start is to get hands-on with an AI tool that suits your own purposes.

Second, you can turbo charge your meeting PREP, making the whole process faster, easier, and more robust.


Ready for Your Board Meeting?

Modern directors ne...

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"If we weren't doing it now, would we start?"

prepare for meetings Apr 13, 2024

If your board is typical, there’s time set aside in the board calendar to discuss strategy – at least I hope there is! Usually, there’s an offsite strategic planning session every few years, maybe an annual board retreat that includes a strategy update, and hopefully there is time allocated on most meeting agendas to check in on progress against the strategic plan.

Over the years I’ve participated in quite a few strategic planning sessions. The board and senior management get together to deci...

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Responsible AI for Board Directors

prepare for meetings Mar 17, 2024

In the last couple of weeks, DirectorPrep has released ChatDPQ™, our brand new AI-powered resource, custom-designed for board directors like you and me. It’s a tool that provides easy, time-saving access to high-quality insights on anything to do with boards and board work. ChatDPQ replaces the DirectorPrep Questions App (DQA) and, just like the DQA, it’s available exclusively to DirectorPrep members.

I learned from DirectorPrep co-founder Dave Jaworski that ChatDPQ is built around Microsoft’...

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