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The Savvy Director Blog

Welcome to The Savvy Directorℱ blog, a place to engage on board governance topics as you travel the path to being a savvy director. 

If you're interested in upping your game at the board table, no matter the size of your board or the type of organization you serve, subscribe below to receive a weekly link right in your email inbox.

Elevating the Boardroom Discussion

prepare for meetings Jan 12, 2025

We often hear from readers looking for ways to elevate their boardroom discussions to a more strategic level. That makes sense. Strategic discussions are more interesting, forward thinking, and robust than those that drill down into the minutiae of operations.

When the agenda and reading material don’t reflect the organization’s high level strategy - instead being filled with pages of execution detail and ‘busy work’ metrics - is it any wonder directors slow the meeting down with operational ...

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What to Watch For in 2025

In the first Savvy Director post of 2025, we’ll take a look at some of the challenges and opportunities our boards may be facing as the year unfolds.

Of course, the impact of external pressures and governance trends varies considerably based on factors like your industry sector, type of organization, and geographic location. That means that some of the items we cover here will apply to your situation, and others won’t — at least not directly.

Still, it’s a good idea for all directors — rega...

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Boardroom Synergy

The working dynamics between board directors, and how they collaborate when making key decisions, is a topic of endless curiosity for me. How do directors strike the right balance between constructive dissent and getting along?

Should directors be a team or behave more like a team? And what can we, as directors, learn from high-performing sports teams?

No matter how many superstars are at the board table, a key driver of success is the ability to build strong working relationships between d...

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The Annual Board Calendar

Over the course of a year, a board of directors must review key information, approve important documents, hold vital discussions, and make critical decisions. How do they stay on track?

The annual board calendar is a valuable tool to ensure that all these events happen at the right time. It’s more than just a list of dates and times. It’s a document that needs to be well thought out and carefully considered.

Think of the board calendar as a planning tool to help the board govern effectively....

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It's budget time for the board

prepare for meetings Nov 30, 2024

Ensuring that the annual operating budget is aligned with the strategic plan was one of my greatest takeaways when I was enduring ‘audit committee weekend’ as part of a corporate director certification program many years ago.

I learned that many of the best questions for management come from non-financial people like me around the board table. Why would that be?

While I believe the audit partners teaching that program module wanted to get the non-financial people excited about being on finan...

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AI Tools for the Boardroom

With increasing demands on governance professionals’ time, they’re always looking for  innovative solutions to help them support their boards more effectively. Could artificial intelligence (AI) be the answer?

“AI will have a significant impact on boardroom operations and governance. It’s an opportunity and a challenge that directors need to address proactively.” — Chris Ridd, BoardPro Chair

AI tools designed for board management can streamline processes, enhance accuracy, and provide i...

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Do You Need a Governance Professional?


An effective corporate secretary or other governance professional is a great resource for any board of directors. They provide support and guidance to the board in carrying out its fiduciary duties, making sure that it operates within legal and ethical boundaries.

Among their many duties, they’re responsible for maintaining accurate records of board meetings, managing board communications, and ensuring compliance with governance policies and regulations. They help ensure the board has the i...

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Boardroom Influence - Part 2

What should you do when trust has been damaged between you and other board members? Is there a way to recover? Are there differences in how men and women cultivate influence? What adjustments are needed if the board meeting is virtual? And what ethical considerations crop up when it comes to influence between meetings?

We left some of these questions unanswered in last week’s edition of The Savvy Director, ‘Cultivating Your Influence in the Boardroom.’ No worries - we’ll get caught up now wit...

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Cultivating Your Influence in the Boardroom

Having influence in the boardroom gives you the ability to change hearts, minds, and behavior. It’s about using your words to share an idea or to move other people toward a position that you support. Make no mistake, being able to influence people is a difficult challenge that all leaders face.

And, as a member of a board of directors, you are one of those leaders.

In this context, we’re talking about the ability to influence your peers around the board table. If you’re new to the board, you...

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From ESG to Sustainability

As a board director, you’re probably familiar with the principles of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). ESG has become increasingly important in the world, and at home, as organizations strive to align their values and practices with those of their stakeholders. Over the last while, ESG has evolved into the longer view of sustainability. It's important to understand what this evolution means for your company or non-profit.

“Sustainability” means meeting the needs of the present wi...

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Welcome to the Savvy Director Blog

Stay connected with our weekly posts about what it takes to be a savvy board director