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The Savvy Director Blog

Welcome to The Savvy Director™ blog, a place to engage on board governance topics as you travel the path to being a savvy director. 

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Responsible AI for Board Directors

prepare for meetings Mar 17, 2024

In the last couple of weeks, DirectorPrep has released ChatDPQ™, our brand new AI-powered resource, custom-designed for board directors like you and me. It’s a tool that provides easy, time-saving access to high-quality insights on anything to do with boards and board work. ChatDPQ replaces the DirectorPrep Questions App (DQA) and, just like the DQA, it’s available exclusively to DirectorPrep members.

I learned from DirectorPrep co-founder Dave Jaworski that ChatDPQ is built around Microsoft’...

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Helping Others Find Their Voice

Does it sometimes feel as though you hear from the same few directors at every board meeting? What about all the others? Why do they stay silent? And more importantly, what can be done about it?

These days, many boards are consciously pursuing more diversity around the board table. The benefits include exposure to a variety of viewpoints, a range of experiences to draw on, and greater insight into stakeholders’ concerns and perspectives. But board diversity won’t deliver on its promise unles...

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The Accurate Thinker

think independently Mar 03, 2024


Accurate thinking is a process that helps us differentiate between relevant and irrelevant facts. It’s an important skill to have whether we’re reviewing board materials, presentations, books, newspapers, or even when watching our favorite political news television channel.

The phrase was coined by success guru Napoleon Hill in the 1930’s. I’m endlessly fascinated by the influence of Hill’s 17 Principles of Personal Achievement that have been read in multiple languages and adapted by thousan...

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Strategic Thinking Skills

think independently Feb 24, 2024

Every board of directors is looking for strategic thinkers. And if you’re working on your Board Value Proposition, you’ll probably want to highlight your own skills in that area.

So, what exactly are we talking about when we refer to strategic thinking skills?

I searched in vain for a standard definition of the term “strategic thinking,” but I found there really isn’t one. Still, there’s been a lot written about how important these skills are for decision-makers.

So, let’s explore the valu...

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The Importance of Being Compliant

I frequently read these days that boards are spending too much time on oversight (which is typically described as a “check-the-boxes exercise”) and not enough on the future. While I agree that boards need to allow enough time for robust discussions of strategy, that doesn’t mean that the responsibility for oversight can be ignored.

Overseeing corporate compliance may not be a topic that garners much attention, but it remains a key governance responsibility. Savvy Directors need to understand ...

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The Way We Do Things Around Here

prepare for meetings Feb 11, 2024

This is the third of three articles on the topic of human capital. The first, Overseeing “Our Greatest Asset”, dealt with the board’s role in Human Capital Management and the second, The Talent-Savvy Board, dealt with Talent Management. In this article we explore the importance of organizational culture.

An organization’s culture can make or break a brilliant strategy and build or damage the careers of experienced executives. A positive culture that aligns well with strategy can produce innov...

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Why Board Development?

Board development is a process. It’s designed to provide board members with training and support to enhance the skills and effectiveness of every director, no matter where they are on their governance journey.

With a good board development plan, the board collectively will do a better job at fulfilling its stewardship role.

That sounds straightforward enough. Yet, when I talk to some board directors and management teams about board training, they roll their eyes and I hear comments like, “W...

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The Talent-Savvy Board

prepare for meetings Jan 28, 2024
This is the second of three articles on the topic of human capital. The first, Overseeing “Our Greatest Asset”, dealt with the board’s role in Human Capital Management. The next article in the series will deal with Organizational Culture.
Providing oversight of an organization’s top talent has long been a core responsibility for boards of directors. They play a critical role in hiring and firing the CEO, evaluating the performance of top executives, and developing leadership succession p...
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Believing is Seeing

think independently Jan 21, 2024

Here’s a familiar scenario for most board directors. You’re reviewing management reports in preparation for an upcoming board meeting. There’s a report on a just-completed project, or maybe a proposal for a new one. You take a quick look. Ho-hum. Nothing new there. It’s just as you thought – the project was a success and the proposal makes sense.

Maybe you’re right. Or maybe it’s confirmation bias at work.

Confirmation bias has a profound impact on all of us, in terms of how we think and – ...

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Overseeing “Our Greatest Asset”

prepare for meetings Jan 13, 2024
This is the first of three articles dealing with Human Capital Management. The next two will deal with Talent Management and Organizational Culture.
Historically, organizations have viewed their workforce through a financial lens. The well-worn phrase “our people are our greatest asset” marked a transition from viewing people as just another operating expense to considering them as intangible assets that represent a fundamental component of the organization’s economic value.
But more r...
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Welcome to the Savvy Director Blog

Stay connected with our weekly posts about what it takes to be a savvy board director